Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer Vacation Pt.1--Capon Springs

We have been enjoying some great times on the East Coast with our families these past two weeks!  This is Benjamin's first vacation, and he has been a wonderful traveler so far. We were nervous for the flight from Albuquerque to Baltimore, but Benji slept most of the way, was happy in the times between naps, and became a great favorite with his fellow passengers!

Getting ready for his first airplane ride!

All that travel made everyone tired...

After one night on the farm with Nonnie and Papa, we traveled with them to the Nicodemus family reunion at beautiful Capon Springs, WV.  Highlights of the week included amazing meals; fun games of ping-pong, shuffleboard, and cards; walks and hikes; and, best of all, good time with our family.

Nana and Pop-Pop with the "fourth generation"...

...and with their granddaughters.

It was fun to see cousins Caroline and Andrew meet Benjamin for the first time.  Andrew just kept saying, "Baby! Baby!" and wanting to touch him.  Caroline liked to hold Benji on her lap and kiss him.

Now we are in Greensboro, NC, with Benjamin's "Captain" and "Grandmommy".  I will post again soon!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Baby Benjamin!

Since my last blog post, our lives have changed in a big and wonderful way!  Benjamin Harold Newman arrived at 12:54 AM on May 21 (two weeks before his due date)!

That Monday we found out that he was in breech position and scheduled a procedure at the end of the week to try to turn him around.  Benji had other plans...  On Tuesday night my water broke and we hurried to the hospital.  At that point, it was too late to try to turn him so I went straight in for a C-section.  After hoping for and working towards a natural delivery for nine months, it was disappointing to be getting a C-section.  However, we were so thankful when we heard his first cries and the doctor said, "It's a boy!"

Jonathan helped cut his cord and get his measurements taken while I was in the recovery room.  Benji was 7 lbs. 8.6 oz. and 19 inches long.  Soon I got to hold him and feed him for the first time.  He quickly got the hang of eating and it is still his favorite activity (he takes after his mother there)  :)  We had an awesome nurse both days at the hospital: our good friend and Benji's New Mexico "grandmother" Mary Ippel!  We also appreciated all of the visitors that came to see Benjamin at the hospital.

The doctor did an awesome job with my C-section and I healed quickly.  On Thursday evening we took Benji home and began the adventure of caring for a newborn!

First bath at home!

Our parents arrived the next week which has been a big help.  Benji is usually a very happy little boy and is growing fast!  At his two week appointment, he was already a pound over his birth weight!  He enjoys getting a bath, riding in his stroller, and staying awake at night.  :)  He also seems to enjoy hiking, as he rode with his Daddy all the way to the top of Rehoboth Peak before he was two weeks old!

On his first hike

 Welcome, Baby Benjamin!  We are so thankful for you!