Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Vacation Pt.3--The Kentucky Reunion

This past week we have been in Tennessee for the 30th meeting of the Kentucky Reunion, a very special group of people who used to work and live with my parents in eastern Kentucky and have remained a "family" to us ever since.  We meet each year somewhere in the U.S., and this year we visited Townsend, Tennessee: "The peaceful side of the Smokies"!

Awesome view from the deck of our lodge

On the first day, we drove to Cades Cove, where we sighted several black bear and took a 5-mile hike to Abrams Falls.  Benji rode along the whole way!

Taking a Break

Abrams Falls

That evening, the group put on a surprise baby book shower for us and Benjamin.  It was so much fun!  Everyone played a game where they cut apart pictures of Jonathan and I to imagine what Benji could look like in the future.  Hopefully the reality will be a bit nicer than their creations...   :-)

A surprise baby shower!

Benjamin's Future?!?

Other highlights of the week included: time at the pool; a trip through the Tuckaleechee Caverns; games such as life-size fast Scrabble and throw-cheese-balls-at-the-grandpas; singing together; an exciting adventure race; and lots of great conversations.

Ready for the pool

Benji was a hit with the kids

New t-shirts! (photobombed by Alan)

Marvin won the cheese ball game...

Solving an adventure race riddle

The hot tub was a hot spot!

Happy Benji, happy Nonnie

At the lodge

Life-size Scrabble

It's always hard to say good-bye to our KY Reunion friends...We are looking forward to next year already!

Summer Vacation Pt.2--North Carolina

Benjamin has been such a good traveler!  After our week in West Virginia, we drove down to North Carolina for some time in Greensboro with Jonathan's parents, the beach for the Fourth of July, and a quick visit to Winston-Salem as well.  We were thankful to get the chance to introduce Benjamin to lots of friends and relatives, including:

Great-Grandmother Mann...

Uncle Tim...

Aunt Meghan...

...and many others!  Mrs. Newman hosted a lovely "Sip and See" for her friends to meet Benji.  The adorable lamb cake and cookies added a great touch to this special event!

We headed to Figure Eight Island with the extended Newman family at about the same time that Hurricane Arthur brushed the coast!  This made our 4th anniversary a very windy, wet, and memorable day, but we managed to go out to dinner at The Melting Pot for an excellent fondue dinner.  Benji came along but was a good sleeper through our meal!

Hurricane Arthur!

A Happy Anniversary

The Fourth of July itself was a beautiful, sunny day.  We had a picnic dinner at the yacht club and enjoyed dancing to the live band music.  Benjamin experienced fireworks for the first time, but they were not his favorite...

Dancing with Aunt Hannah

After the beach, we spent one day in Winston-Salem and were able to attend Hope Church.  We also spent time with our good friends Larry and Susan Jones and the Trollinger family.  Benjamin took his first walk on the Wake Forest campus (we are trying to brainwash him into a Demon Deacon fan from an early age!)

From Winston we drove west to Townsend, Tennessee for the KY Reunion--but I'll save that for another post!

All this traveling is hard work!