Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jonathan! / Benji's First Camping Trip

Yesterday was Jonathan's 29th birthday and since it was Labor Day weekend, we decided to camp one night up in McGaffey to celebrate.  We were by ourselves camping Friday night, then were joined by some friends from church on Saturday.

Setting up camp

I was nervous about camping with a baby, but Benjamin really seemed to enjoy it!  He woke up only twice overnight and went right back to sleep after nursing--even though we couldn't seem to keep his hands warm.  He woke up happy and smiling!

Good morning!

Playtime with Daddy in the tent

On Saturday morning, we took a hike around the area where we camped.  Then, when our friends arrived, we played games and had Jonathan's birthday cake at lunch. 

As usual, Benjamin slept through the hike

Signs of fall

Jonathan turns 29

Jonathan was very excited to get his first smart phone for his birthday.  I guess our family has finally joined the 21st century  :)  But it was fun to celebrate his birthday away from all of our gadgets and distractions, under some beautiful New Mexican stars.

Happy campers!

Now we are looking forward to a visit from Tim, who arrives on Tuesday!!

All worn out

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

End of Summer

Today was the first day of school at Rehoboth.  Here's a picture of Jonathan ready for the new year!

For me, today felt strange because it was the first time in about 20 years that I did not go "back to school" with the other students or teachers.  This change of pace has brought a mixture of emotions: some feelings of loss, but also gratitude that I can stay home with Benjamin and watch him grow day by day.  Here are some recent pictures of his adorable-ness:

Last week was a lot of fun when Genavee came to visit and meet Benji.  On Wednesday we went for a hike at Milk Ranch Canyon.  I got our car stuck in the mud trying to drive away, but thankfully a truck driver stopped and pulled us out!

 On Thursday we took another nice walk to First Canyon.  The wildflowers are beautiful right now!

 Last weekend Jonathan played the violin at Coal Street, then on Saturday morning we watched the Inter-Tribal Ceremonial Parade downtown.

We took one more "hike" around campus to Resurrection Rock at sunset:

Genavee left yesterday morning.  It was so much fun having her here!  Now it's time to get back into a routine (as much as that's possible with a baby...)  Happy new school year to everyone!