Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bethany Craft Sale and other Fun

This has been a really fun weekend so far!  Yesterday we got to help celebrate the birthday of my friend Olivia with dinner and ice cream cake:

Then today, Olivia and I took part in our very first craft fair at Bethany Church.  Every year I've lived in Gallup I have really wanted to sell at this sale, but never had the time to prepare for it.  This fall, Benji's naptimes have been my craft times!  I made knitted sheep ornaments, "Thank Ewe" notes, and photo stationery:

Benji "helping" me get the lamb ornaments ready

Olivia lent me her beautiful Nicaraguan Christmas tree for the display which just worked perfectly.  We had a great day selling crafts and enjoying some baby-free girl time between customers!

This evening the fun continued with an early Thanksgiving dinner at our friends' house.  Benji got really jealous watching us eat that delicious food, so we slipped him a taste of sweet potatoes...I also had my first taste of green chile apple pie, which was fantastic!

We are getting very excited for the holiday season and a visit from Jonathan's mom, dad, and sister in about a week!  :)