Thursday, May 23, 2013

8th Grade Graduation

This evening I went to the graduation ceremony of my 8th grade students.  I have taught these students for two years now, in both 7th and 8th grades, so they are special to me.  That is not to say they were not at times difficult or frustrating...but they certainly do have a very special place in my heart!

Today they looked so grown up, sitting there on the stage in their best clothes, on their best behavior.  Behind their smiles and grown-up demeanor it was hard to recall the realities of these past two years: the reprimands and detentions; the homework, finished and unfinished; the sleepless nights when I said something wrong, or left something unsaid; the countless e-mails to parents; the Wednesday afternoons struggling through our "silent" reading period; the friendships broken and mended, with tears; the endless arguments over "who stole my pencil?!"; the fear that they would never make it to this day. 

Yet here they are.  And as I looked at my students on the stage this evening, I could finally look past the struggles and more fully see their potential, and their successes.  Their creativity; their kindness; their intelligence; their growing maturity.  They have come such a long way, and I do believe that they are ready for the next step.  The funny thing is that, as many times as I wished their graduation would come faster, now I wish I had a little longer with these amazing young men and women.

I did not do much to help them reach this point of achievement.  I did so many things wrong and have so much more to learn.  So tonight, as I looked at those students up on the stage in their best clothes and brightest smiles, I did not feel pride but rather gratitude to God for working so powerfully in their lives.  Do they still have a long way to go?  Of do we all.  But my prayer for them tonight is this:

"...That he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
 --Philippians 1:6

Class of 2017--stay strong in the Lord!

I leave you tonight with one bonus picture: the sunsets here have been gorgeous lately!  :)

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