Saturday, December 7, 2013

Giving Thanks

After a busy week, it's finally time to catch up on my blog!  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Jonathan's parents, his sister Hannah, and my friend Genavee.  On the day before Thanksgiving we took a short hike back to First Canyon--other than the very sticky mud along the way, it was a great walk!

Hannah arrived on the train Thursday morning and we all went to church together.  Then, back at home, we finished cooking our Thanksgiving feast and shared it with our neighbor, Mr. Fred.

Once the meal was cleaned up, we drove to Santa Fe for the weekend!  Our beautiful Hilton hotel was within walking distance of the historic plaza, so on Friday morning we set out to see the sights: Loretto Chapel with its "miraculous staircase", San Miguel church (the oldest church in America!), the Georgia O'Keefe museum, and lots of interesting shops along the way!

Hotel lobby

Our own artistic attempts, inspired by Georgia O'Keefe  :)

That evening we saw Frozen, the amazing new Disney movie, then ate some delicious New Mexican food at Tomasitas restaurant.

The next day we walked around the Farmer's Market and went to the New Mexico History Museum.  Look at those authentic cowgirls!

Sadly, it was time to drive back to Albuquerque for Genavee to catch her flight.  The rest of us went to the mall and I did some maternity clothes shopping before reluctantly saying goodbye and making the late-night drive back to Gallup.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving--we have very much to be thankful for!

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