Sunday, December 7, 2014

"America's Sweetest Race"

This weekend I had the chance to participate in "America's Sweetest Race", the Hot Chocolate 5k, in Scottsdale, AZ!  Jonathan and Benjamin came along and we had a great time exploring a new city!  It was a lot of driving in two days (about 10 hours total...) but even the drive was beautiful.  We came down from the Mogollon Rim to see these gorgeous mountains and tons of saguaro cacti.

Then we entered Scottsdale to find GREEN grass and palm trees!  Here was the view from our hotel:

The race started and ended at Talking Stick Park where the AZ Diamondbacks and CO Rockies do their spring training.  On Saturday we went to the park for race packet pick-up and Benji practiced his ball skills on the baby ball diamond...particularly that slide into home plate!

Safe! at home plate

My friends and I got up before dawn this morning and drove together to the race.  It was cold at first, but as the sun came up over the mountains it turned into the perfect morning for a run!  With the lower elevation, I felt really good and ran faster than usual!  (It probably helped that there was chocolate at the finish line, too...)  :-)

We did it!

At the post-race party we got hot chocolate and chocolate fondue with lots of things to dip in (banana, marshmallow, pretzels, etc.)  Benji enjoyed dancing the Cupid Shuffle.  And I went home with a super-soft zip-up hoodie.  Best of all, we got to spend time with good friends!  Let's just say it was the best race ever!

Post-race chocolate

My faithful fans

Before leaving Scottsdale, we had a delicious lunch at a vegetarian Indian restaurant...

...then made the drive home.  Benji was really great in the car, and did well the entire weekend.  I'm thankful for a good trip and safe arrival home!

Mogollon Rim overlook

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bethany Craft Sale and other Fun

This has been a really fun weekend so far!  Yesterday we got to help celebrate the birthday of my friend Olivia with dinner and ice cream cake:

Then today, Olivia and I took part in our very first craft fair at Bethany Church.  Every year I've lived in Gallup I have really wanted to sell at this sale, but never had the time to prepare for it.  This fall, Benji's naptimes have been my craft times!  I made knitted sheep ornaments, "Thank Ewe" notes, and photo stationery:

Benji "helping" me get the lamb ornaments ready

Olivia lent me her beautiful Nicaraguan Christmas tree for the display which just worked perfectly.  We had a great day selling crafts and enjoying some baby-free girl time between customers!

This evening the fun continued with an early Thanksgiving dinner at our friends' house.  Benji got really jealous watching us eat that delicious food, so we slipped him a taste of sweet potatoes...I also had my first taste of green chile apple pie, which was fantastic!

We are getting very excited for the holiday season and a visit from Jonathan's mom, dad, and sister in about a week!  :)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

 Although I have never been big into celebrating Halloween before, there is something incredibly fun about putting a costume onto a miniature human being to make him (if possible) even cuter.  It's so much fun, in fact, that Benji had not one but two costumes this year!  He was first a dinosaur (thanks Mrs. Van't Land!)...

...and then became a cow (thanks Nonnie!)

"Oh boy, Mommy, is all this candy for ME?!?"

We also had our traditional Halloween dinner tonight: "Bats and Cobwebs" (bow-tie pasta with gooey strings of mozzarella cheese...) and, of course, Pumpkin Pie!

Happy Halloween from our "herd" to yours!  :-)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Great Visit from Mom, Dad, Emily, and Caroline!

Things seem really quiet around here now after a wonderful visit from my parents, big sister Emily, and darling niece Caroline.  They were here for over a week sharing in our life at Rehoboth!

As usual, our visitors went right to work volunteering at the book fair, the preschool, and the lunch hall.  Caroline got to experience school for the first time, riding a borrowed big-girl bike back and forth each morning!  She also loved visiting the playground on campus.

Benji at the Book Fair

One evening we took a great hike to Milk Ranch Canyon up in McGaffey with the Huizingas.  Caroline quickly made friends with Eddie--a budding romance, perhaps?

On another afternoon we went to visit a Navajo woman who weaves beautiful rugs from the wool from her own sheep.  It was fascinating to see her farm and I even got to give weaving a try!

Most of the time, though, we stayed close to home and just enjoyed little moments together: cuddling Benji, playing cards with Caroline, taking lots of walks around campus, eating Mom's delicious cooking...

How big is Benji?

Our visitors left on Thursday morning (taking train, bus, plane, and car back home--as Caroline would proudly tell you) and we are missing them like crazy!  Thanks so much for coming Mom, Dad, Aunt Emily, and Cousin Caroline!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fabulous Fall

It's been a while since I posted, here is a very brief update on what's been going on for the Newmans so far this fall!

I am enjoying taking care of Benjamin, tutoring, babysitting, and crafting and baking at home.  Fall is probably my favorite time of year to be in the kitchen baking yummy treats with ingredients like pumpkin, apples, and caramel.  I recently found a recipe for heavenly salted caramel sauce, which made a great topping for this Apple Harvest cake!

 When Benjamin takes his naps, I have some time to prepare for my first experience selling at the Bethany Craft Fair (November 15).  Among other things, I am knitting these little lamb ornaments/toys.  Benji likes to play with the ones dangling over his crib:

Speaking of Benji, he is growing, smiling, laughing, and keeping us thoroughly entertained!  This fall he has been developing friendships...

 ...surviving his 4 month vaccinations...

...playing with Daddy...

...helping Mommy with the laundry...

... and discovering new toys!

Jonathan is having a good year teaching so far.  He has continued to develop his class website and standards-based grading system.  Last week, the high school had a big day of service in the community.  Jonathan's class went to volunteer at the Red Rock Care Center.  At the end of the day, all the students came back together to share their experiences.  In the second picture below you can also catch a glimpse of the lovely fall weather we've been enjoying!

This week is very exciting because Mom, Dad, Emily, and Caroline are coming to visit!  We can't wait to see them!!