Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Great Visit from Mom, Dad, Emily, and Caroline!

Things seem really quiet around here now after a wonderful visit from my parents, big sister Emily, and darling niece Caroline.  They were here for over a week sharing in our life at Rehoboth!

As usual, our visitors went right to work volunteering at the book fair, the preschool, and the lunch hall.  Caroline got to experience school for the first time, riding a borrowed big-girl bike back and forth each morning!  She also loved visiting the playground on campus.

Benji at the Book Fair

One evening we took a great hike to Milk Ranch Canyon up in McGaffey with the Huizingas.  Caroline quickly made friends with Eddie--a budding romance, perhaps?

On another afternoon we went to visit a Navajo woman who weaves beautiful rugs from the wool from her own sheep.  It was fascinating to see her farm and I even got to give weaving a try!

Most of the time, though, we stayed close to home and just enjoyed little moments together: cuddling Benji, playing cards with Caroline, taking lots of walks around campus, eating Mom's delicious cooking...

How big is Benji?

Our visitors left on Thursday morning (taking train, bus, plane, and car back home--as Caroline would proudly tell you) and we are missing them like crazy!  Thanks so much for coming Mom, Dad, Aunt Emily, and Cousin Caroline!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so fun! Thanks for the wonderful blog! And we enjoyed Andrew and Wade just as much. I told Wade it would be hard to give Andrew up! :-)
