Monday, September 15, 2014

Benjamin's Baptism/Fun Times with Uncle Tim

The past two weeks were filled with wonderful memories as my brother Tim came to visit, my Dad came to visit, and Benjamin was baptized at Rehoboth Church. 

Benjamin had only met his Uncle Tim one day over the summer--that day went by so fast!--so it was great to have so much quality time with him.  We had dinner at Jerry's, went to Coal Street trivia night, took some walks, and played lots of games.  You could tell that Benji loves his Uncle Tim!

We were so happy that my Dad could also make the trip to Rehoboth for Benjamin's baptism weekend!  Benji was surrounded by family--both his biological and Christian families--on that special day.

Benjamin seemed to enjoy being baptized and even gave us some sweet smiles.  (Thanks, Gail DeYoung, for the warm water in the baptismal font!  And thanks to John Van'tLand for the beautiful photos.)  :)

It was sad to see our visitors go, but we are already looking forward to Mom, Dad, Emily, and Caroline coming in October!  In the meantime, it's back to school for Jonathan and a normal routine (or as normal as it gets) for me: Mommy-ing, nannying, and tutoring.

I'll leave you with a picture of Rehoboth peak at sunset, in the beautiful monsoon season!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Thanks for sharing... and glad to see that your dad still has a Duke t-shirt around (OK a WF one too!) as we enter the season of those kinds of things :-)
    ~~ Susie M.
