Friday, August 19, 2016

Welcome, Daniel! (and thoughts on my VBAC experience)

July was a long, hot month for this pregnant mama...Heat indexes in the 100's + 9 months pregnant + no air conditioning in the old farmhouse = VERY VERY eager for Baby to arrive!  Fortunately, he did not keep us waiting too long...In fact, he was quite punctual, arriving on his due date (Aug. 1).

My labor actually began early in the morning of July 31, when I woke up to contractions around 2:30 AM.  These grew stronger and closer together, but right before I called the doctor, they began to stall out.  By breakfast I was having only the occasional, weak cramping.  Determined to speed things along, Jonathan, Benji and I went to the park, where I walked three (slow, awkward, waddling) miles!  This definitely kick-started things again and I was admitted to the hospital around 3:00 PM!

Benji was a breech baby, requiring a c-section, and my great hope was to have Baby #2 by VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).  This procedure is supported by the hospital and my doctor, but there is a slight risk of uterine rupture, and thus I had to have the fetal monitor strapped to my abdomen at all times.  I also had to be automatically hooked up to an IV.  These two factors make it impossible to be as mobile as I would have liked to be...basically, I could be on the bed or on the birth ball next to the bed:

Though I was wary of getting an epidural, my inability to move around made it hard to manage the pain of contractions after several hours.  Add to this dizziness and nausea (my body's typical pain response) and the doctor's recommendation to get an epidural, I decided that was the best choice I could make under the circumstances.  An epidural is basically a modern miracle, in my opinion.  There are reasons not to get one, and I think it's great when women don't, but wow, it makes the labor experience SO much more bearable!  In the end I was glad I made this decision (with some caveats...see my "lessons learned" list below).

In my happy epidural-induced state, I was able to rest for the next several hours, even dozing off occasionally.  Everything seemed to be going well except I was not dilating very the early morning hours of Aug. 1, I was still shy of 5 cm dilated.  And then the baby's heart rate started to rise.  My doctor came in and said it was not an emergency yet, but to avert an emergency from happening, she wanted to do a c-section.  I was absolutely crushed and I begged, in tears, to wait one more hour (as long as the baby was not in danger, my first priority of course).

What happened in the next hour was amazing, and divine intervention for sure: the baby's heart rate went down and I began to dilate up to 6.5 cm.  The doctor said I could continue with the VBAC.  By 9:00 AM it was time to push...the most intense workout of my life, and there were moments I wasn't sure I was going to make it.  It felt like running a marathon without having properly slept or eaten for 30 hours!  But at 9:49 AM, Daniel Frederick Newman entered the world, screaming at the top of his lungs!

We named him Daniel after my maternal grandfather and Frederick in honor of our good friend and neighbor from New Mexico, "Grandpa" Fred Witteveen.  Baby Daniel weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 21 inches long.

Since I spiked a fever during labor, the doctors were afraid I might have had a uterine infection and wanted to rule out infection in Baby Daniel.  So, they took him to the NICU for closer monitoring during the 48 hours we were in the hospital.  It was hard not to be able to hold him and love him as much as we wanted to in those first days, but the NICU nurses were very nice and things got better after the first 24 hours when I could start breastfeeding him.  Daniel took to nursing like a champ!  We were all discharged on time from the hospital on August 3rd.

What to do when your baby's in the NICU?  Play Dominion, of course!

Benji was fascinated by the baby when we got home, but still doesn't seem to totally understand that this new little person is a permanent part of the family.  He is very sweet with him, though, and loves to give him kisses.  He has also been patient with Mommy (so far) when I have to feed or hold Baby Daniel.  Looks like Benji is going to be an excellent big brother!

Daniel is doing well...he gained a pound in the last week alone, so he is definitely getting enough to eat!  He is also a good sleeper, especially at night, when he will go four, five, and sometimes even six hours between feedings!  He is a really sweet little guy and we love him so much already!

In conclusion, I learned three lessons from my VBAC experience:

1. Try to labor at home as long as you can, where you can be up walking, etc. because in the hospital the constant monitoring restricts your mobility a lot.

2. If you get an epidural, try to resist the urge to lay down flat, even though it is so nice to rest...I think this caused my dilation to stall, and once I was sitting up in the bed even that little bit of help from gravity got things going much faster.

3. It's very worth trying a VBAC if you can...Even though I was exhausted after a 30+ hour labor, I felt emotionally invigorated and--I have to admit--quite proud of myself for delivering this baby.  And what a relief not to have to deal with another c-section recovery!

Welcome to the family, Baby Daniel!  <3

Capon Springs 2016

This past week we have been in Capon Springs, WV with the Nicodemus family for our annual family reunion.  It was a wonderful time, as always, and we're extra thankful we were able to be there...we weren't sure how Baby's plans would affect our ability to go!  But Baby decided to stay put (so far!)

Some highlights of this year's get-together were:

1.  Feeding the "piggies" and the cows

2.  Sporting events, including the one-mile road race and mixed doubles tennis tournament (Jonathan and Christine took home first place!)

3.  Meals and playtime "on the hill"

4.  Hiking (and a surprise rattlesnake sighting...thought we'd left those behind in New Mexico!!)

5.  Watching Caroline raise the flag one morning

6.  Getting to know our family's newest member, Allison and Mike's daughter, Julia (Benji loved holding her--good big brother practice!)

7.  Lots of sweet family  moments with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents...

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Fourth of July

After our long car trips from New Mexico and to/from Illinois, I thought we were crazy to get back in the car for seven hours to drive to the North Carolina coast.  But spending the Fourth of July at Figure 8 Island with Jonathan's family was just too back in the car we went (and I'm glad we did!)

Beach conditions were great, especially since a big tide pool formed each morning: perfect for Benji to splash around in without worrying about the big waves (which fascinated him but also terrified him!)  I loved the tide pool, too--a wonderful spot for my 36-week-pregnant self to cool off and feel weightless for a while!

We had a good time with Jonathan's parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins.  Benji warmed up to them VERY quickly and was our main source of entertainment, as usual!

And then there were the Fourth of July festivities: the annual island parade, snacks and games at noon and a big picnic dinner in the evening, followed by the fireworks. 

Another fun Fourth at Figure 8!  Now we're back home, and most of my focus has turned to the upcoming arrival of Baby Newman #2...The due date is Aug. 1st, but it really could be any day now!  :D

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Kentucky Reunion 2016

As you can see, the blog has a new title and a new look to fit our new home!  While we no longer live in the "Land of Enchantment", we find our new home quite enchanting in its own that part of the blog title remains.

The past three weeks have been filled with tears, adjustments, and many, many, MANY miles of travel.  We drove three days across the country to North Carolina, where we stayed with Jonathan's parents for a few nights before driving the remaining 6 miles north to Maryland (and here I must pause for a few adorable photos of Benji and his cousin Knox...)

After four days of furious unpacking and trying to settle into our new house, we were back on the road again, heading to the Chicago area for the wedding of Michael and Laura Ippel and the 2016 gathering of the Kentucky Reunion.

The KY Reunion group keeps growing every year!

Mom, Dad, niece Caroline and nephew Andrew were our travel buddies out to Illinois.  We spent one night along the way in the Amish country of Indiana, at a cool hotel called the Blue Gate Garden Inn.  Benji's favorite part was the pool...Mine was the amazing breakfast!

The wedding was beautiful in every way--we love Michael and Laura and who they are as a couple!  My favorite part of the ceremony was the foot-washing that they did for each other.  The reception took place at Abbey Farms in a big barn-style building (Benji was a huge fan of the tractor parked outside!)

From the wedding location, our Kentucky group drove a few hours to Camp Mennohaven in southwestern Illinois.  It was a beautiful spot, with wooded trails and even a little lake.

 Some of the most memorable moments of the reunion week included:

- A hayrack ride that was more exciting than originally planned (the tractor took a wrong turn and the men had to unhitch the wagon and turn it around in the middle of the woods!)

- A trip to town to watch Finding Dory in our own private movie theater

Photo credit to Jessica Bender!

- Fun afternoons down at the pool

Photo credit to Jessica again!

- Playing lots and lots of games

- Watching the skies during a tornado warning!

- Benji's discovery of Play-doh, thanks to Aunt Emily

- Creating the annual adventure race around camp

Overall, it was a wonderful week, even though we were pretty travel-weary by the time we got back home.  And call us crazy, but we're hoping to drive down to Figure 8 Island for the Fourth of July next weekend!  Maybe one day all of these boxes will be unpacked...Until then, we're learning to live with a little more chaos than usual  :)

Benji has become a big fan of Cracker Barrel in all of his cross-country travels!