Friday, August 19, 2016

Capon Springs 2016

This past week we have been in Capon Springs, WV with the Nicodemus family for our annual family reunion.  It was a wonderful time, as always, and we're extra thankful we were able to be there...we weren't sure how Baby's plans would affect our ability to go!  But Baby decided to stay put (so far!)

Some highlights of this year's get-together were:

1.  Feeding the "piggies" and the cows

2.  Sporting events, including the one-mile road race and mixed doubles tennis tournament (Jonathan and Christine took home first place!)

3.  Meals and playtime "on the hill"

4.  Hiking (and a surprise rattlesnake sighting...thought we'd left those behind in New Mexico!!)

5.  Watching Caroline raise the flag one morning

6.  Getting to know our family's newest member, Allison and Mike's daughter, Julia (Benji loved holding her--good big brother practice!)

7.  Lots of sweet family  moments with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents...

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