Saturday, August 5, 2017

Summer, Part 3: New Mexico

Our biggest adventure this summer was a three week trip back to Rehoboth, New Mexico.  We lived in Rehoboth for five years before moving to Maryland one year ago.  I was afraid it would feel strange and sad to return to our old home, but being in New Mexico felt surprisingly normal--and altogether wonderful!

Monsoon Season--my favorite time of year in New Mexico!

One reason we returned to Rehoboth this summer was for the annual Kentucky Reunion gathering.  We had a great week with these special friends: eating, hiking, adventure racing, playing Werewolf and much more!

Baby Shower for the five new babies!

Lots of good hiking!

Window Rock Zoo

Adventure Race Winners!

Work Project

Group Photo!

We also visited with many good friends from our years in Rehoboth.  Thanks to all who opened their homes to us, shared meals, hikes, and time with us!  (Pictured here: Hanwi B., Addison W., the Neilson family, and "Grandpa" Fred).

Daniel took his first steps in "Grandpa" Fred's apartment!

Between all these fun visits, we had plenty of family time as well!  We took some more stunning hikes and enjoyed hanging out on campus.

I felt so much at home back in Rehoboth, it was very hard to leave once again...but we are sustained, until our next visit, by many wonderful memories!

This boy will always have New Mexico in his blood!

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