Saturday, August 3, 2013

France Pt. 1 -- Promenades à Paris

Jonathan and I just returned from a wonderful three week trip to France!  There is so much to tell, I have decided to split the trip into five separate posts:

1. Our arrival in Paris
2. Our experiences working on the farm
3. The town of Puy-en-Velay
4. A quick visit to Dijon
5. Our time with the Rodes family in Paris

 Premièrement: Paris!

After two nice flights on IcelandAir (with a quick layover in Reykjavik) we navigated the Paris airport and Metro. Despite a scare with Jonathan's luggage and a rejected credit card, we finally made it to our hotel near the Gare de Lyon. It was small, but clean and comfortable!

To keep ourselves awake and to see the city, we took the metro to the Tuileries gardens, then walked...and walked...and walked!  We walked from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower, then all the way back to our hotel! Our feet were tired, but the sights were well worth it!

Near the Marais, we stopped for dinner at a small brasserie.  I ordered one of my favorite dishes in the world: Salade au Chèvre Chaud!  Ahhh, French I've missed you!

The next morning, before our train, we hit the pavement again and walked to Notre Dame.  It was another beautiful day!

We boarded the train and headed south to begin our "WWOOF" experience in Puy-en-Velay.  I'll explain all about that in the next post!

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