Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Both Hands Project

This Saturday we had the opportunity to help with a really cool service project called "Both Hands".  The Both Hands organization helps make adoption affordable for families by organizing a sponsored work project at the home of a window.

The idea comes from one of my favorite Bible verses in the book of James: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  (James 1:27)

 So on Saturday we helped work on the house of a lady from our church, to raise money for a family who is adopting two girls from Ethiopia.  It was so encouraging to see the family of God coming together that day in amazing ways.  Tons of work got done, and lots of money was raised towards the adoption.

In the morning, my main job was weeding the yard.  It was fairly easy and satisfying weeding, thanks to the recent monsoon rains!  However, my legs are still feeling the after effects...

Side yard, before

In process of weeding...

Back yard, after

In the afternoon I dusted bookshelves, washed windows, and patched a crack in the floor.  In the meantime, lots of painting and repairing was going on throughout the rest of the house!  Jonathan was busy as the official photographer/videographer of the event.  You'll see some of his pictures and videos here.

Bookshelf, before

Bookshelf, after

Painting the bedroom

Patching the crack (i.e. canyon!) in the floor

So, our weekend was full but fun and encouraging.  I also had fun trying out a new bread recipe that I found on this website and I think will become a staple in my kitchen.  Called "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day", this recipe is a genius idea of mixing a simple dough (without kneading!) and letting it sit in the fridge for up to two weeks.  When you want freshly-baked bread (at just 40 cents a loaf), you pull out a ball of dough, preheat a pizza stone in the oven, and bake your bread for 30 min.

When I tried my first hot, crusty slice of artisan bread, I was momentarily transported back to France...and I have no higher praise for bread than that!  :)  I highly recommend this recipe!

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